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Übersetzungen für cut-and-paste im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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cut-and-paste ADJ a. COMPUT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the digital age, you are one cut-and-paste away from having your work stolen from you and claimed by someone else.
Why do a minority of academics choose the cut-and-paste shortcut?
The control key is most frequently associated with handy modifier keystrokes such as cut-and-paste, or application shortcuts such as control-s to save.
Young underwriters have a higher probability of looking at documentation and missing subtle grammatical errors, cut-and-paste logos, made-up business addresses and so on.
The artist and designer was inspired to experiment with the technique by analogue processes such as making mixtapes and cut-and-paste video editing.
It's this archaic, cut-and-paste and hockeyocratic philosophy to sign these past their prime former stars that we should be encouraging the organization to ignore.
Others were of historical weather events, cut-and-paste from fictional movies or dramatically edited on photoshop.
There are many erroneous comments made on this site, but there is no way to reply directly to specific comments without cut-and-paste.
The workbook pages included sections for reading and writing, as well as words and pictures for cut-and-paste activities.
The use of a high-level language facilitates code reuse in a way that goes beyond cut-and-paste of configuration snippets.

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