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Übersetzungen für delude im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

While he became increasingly deluded, his erratic mood swings subsided, and he continued drawing for pleasure.
Do not be deluded by the fact that you met (fought) a people with no knowledge and you made good use of your opportunity.
Let us not delude ourselves by thinking we could ever see it return to its previous mould.
He fled home, deluded with severe mania, imagining that enemies were following and trying to poison him.
Instructors can be deluded into thinking that as long as a student is engaged and doing, they are learning.
The witnesses are said to be deluded by their own state of mind or strong group suggestion.
It remains to be seen whether he is telling the truth, is lying, or has deluded himself into believing this.
Anyone who talks that way is deluding themselves.
Wonder seems to say that all people delude themselves but have to be well to pay their dues and existentially accept the present.
The purpose of right view is to clear one's path of the majority of confusion, misunderstanding, and deluded thinking.

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