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Übersetzungen für demister im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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demister [ˌdi:ˈmɪstəɐ] SUBST Brit AUTO

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Also, the inside has a demister, a second layer of plastic to stop the humidity steaming up and obscuring the rider's vision.
It was typical that my demister decided to pack in on a cold, pitch black, lashing-with-rain kind of evening.
While it's not a big deal, the rear window doesn't feature a demister.
An intelligent rear wiper and demister and some minor alterations to the rear bumper are the other changes at the rear.
The cleaned gases are normally passed through a mist eliminator (demister pads) to remove water droplets from the gas stream.
The compressor centrifuges the pure water vapor after it is drawn through a demister (removing residual impurities) causing it to compress against tubes in the collection chamber.
The heating elements operate like a windscreen demister, preventing the accumulation of ice on the road.
Some changes to basic equipment level included a fresh air heater/demister, duo-tone paint in various new plain and pastel colours, brighter interiors and a windscreen washer.
The demister features invisible (unless closely inspected) heating lines that dissolve frost and fog without the need for air conditioning.
This is the role of the demister.

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