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Übersetzungen für developer im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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developer [dɪˈveləpəɐ, Am -pɚ] SUBST

2. developer phot:


Beispielsätze für developer

late developer [or latebloomer] Am, Aus

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Fans can interact directly with the game developers, share feedback and access behind-the-scenes information about the games.
After the show, the developers expanded the game to allow users to play indefinitely.
The technology requires developer support and is not practical for all scenarios.
Feature toggles bring developers back to the track, but the execution paths of their features are still dead and untested if a toggle is off.
In the 1990s a developer obtained permits to build a golf course and resort in the area.
It is used by many video game developers to present their upcoming games and game-related hardware.
The developers, however, were never enthusiastic about it and the idea was dropped after six months.
The community created a petition supporting the addition of this feature in the hopes that it would change the developers' minds.
Many universities or colleges teach practical skills that are required to become a software developer.
These reports often indicate how significant impacts generated by the development will be mitigated, the cost of which is usually paid by the developer.

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