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Übersetzungen für dimmer switch im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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dimmer [ˈdɪməɐ, Am -ɚ] SUBST, dimmer switch SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They're not the equivalent of an easy-to-operate dimmer switch for the lights in your kitchen.
Then the dimmer switch happened and you could adjust the brightness to meet your seductive needs and suddenly everyone looked a little better in the gentler light.
The dimmer switch moved from the floor to the turn-signal lever.
A dimmer switch on the lights can enhance the mood.
It is used instead of the dimmer switch, which sometimes breaks.
In other words, this packaging is like a dimmer switch that turns up or turns down the work of that gene and in so doing influences the risk of disease.
The room went from light to dark, slowly, like a dimmer switch on a light.
But having a dimmer switch actually gives you much more flexibility in terms of how much light you're using.
Dimming feature requires leading or trailing edge dimmer switch.
He turns his good manners up and down like a dimmer switch, depending on how useful you can be to him.

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