Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für disheveled im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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disheveled ADJ Am, dishevelled [dɪˈʃevld] ADJ

Beispielsätze für disheveled

with disheveled hair

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Synonymous with haggard, disheveled, run down, pathetic and sloppy.
Wet suit encased surfers running their hands through disheveled bedheads as they scanned the horizon dragged their boards into the gentle lapping swell.
The beggar, unfortunately, had a long and pointed head, large ears with one large brass earring, a woolly and disheveled beard and hair.
The prince is pulled out of the well, all disheveled and dirty.
In the morning, we see one baboon wake up, disheveled, next to a warthog, and quietly exit the burrow, as not to wake her.
Dressed in a disheveled manner, she would solicit money from individuals, particularly those with fame.
He's disheveled and unshaven, wearing what looks like a stained nightshirt.
Lick continued to slink around in his one filthy, reeking suit, friendless and disheveled, despised by everyone.
Her lipstick and eyeliner are smeared and her hair, disheveled (in contrast to the well-kept left side of her face).
He cultivates a disheveled look to maintain his individuality and to match his already eccentric persona.

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