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Übersetzungen für disunity im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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disunity [dɪsˈju:nətɪ, Am -t̬ɪ] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The split occurred mainly due to organisational disunity between two factions.
It had become fractured by increased political and religious disunity.
Internal party disunity compounded the difficulty of identifying lawmakers who might have informally functioned as a minority leader.
To be sure, the profession's lack of cultural authority is based in part upon our characteristic disunity.
Among them was the disunity of the political left compared to the right, in a system that favoured broad coalitions.
Political disunity of three dozen states and a pervasive conservatism made it difficult to build railways in the 1830s.
The strike created much disunity in the labour movement, and many believed that active measures were necessary to bring the movement closer together.
Although the lyrics ostensibly describe disunity, they have been interpreted in other ways.
In the human form he saw a measure that could provide a foothold in the disunity of his time.
Although their martial skills were enormous, their political disunity made them vulnerable to foreign attacks.

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