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Übersetzungen für dowser im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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dowser [ˈdaʊsəɐ, Am -ɚ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Three trials would be done for the test of each dowser and the dowser must pass two of the three trials to pass the test.
While we fought the fire, some of the thugs were driving around on our own tractor with our water pumps and dowsers, but they didn't come near us.
All of the dowsers agreed with the conditions of the test and stated that they felt able to perform the test that day and that the water flow was sufficient.
Some farmers even turn to dowsers, or water witches, to guide them to the underwater reserves.
So, many of them are calling dowsers.
If you wish to have your house tested, then check out your local health store for the name of a reputable dowser.
The dowser would place ten to one hundred pegs in the ground along the path he or she traces as the path of the active pipe.
The three-day test of some 30 dowsers involved plastic pipes through which water flow could be controlled and directed.
They've been contacted by psychics and even map dowsers -- people who swing pendulums over maps to help them find a specific location.
All the dowsers signed a statement agreeing this was a fair test of their abilities and that they expected a 100 percent success rate.

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