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Übersetzungen für eiderdown im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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eiderdown [ˈaɪdədaʊn, Am -dɚ-] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Only a woman unafraid of her age would admit to remembering eiderdowns.
Reportedly, commonplace, low-maintence duvets will replace sheets, eiderdowns and blankets, much to the dismay of housekeeping staff, who have prided themselves on traditional, perfectly tucked-in beds.
From the high closet shelf, she pulled down the eiderdown quilt and a heavy wool blanket.
A single nest can produce about 70 grams of eiderdown, the warmest and most durable insulation in the world.
The exhibition includes a washing line with clothes on it -- a handkerchief, eiderdown, lace and a pair of pants.
I always went with one or other of my parents, and they would make up a bed for me in the cab with a pillow and an eiderdown.
And is the barely lovable rogue about to give up those "late nights in the office" for smoochie-smoochies on the eiderdown?
Closer to abs of eiderdown.
Eiderdown is considered one of the best natural insulations in the world.
It's light and airy and there's a double bed with a bright white eiderdown.

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