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Übersetzungen für endurable im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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endurable [ɪnˈdjʊərəbl, Am enˈdʊrə-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

To repeat, all this was expected, and would have been endurable were it not for one thing: the seats.
Fastening the sheet on, closing your eyes and allowing your mind to drift for ten minutes can help make the rest of a jam-packed schedule seem completely endurable.
But who can say how much is endurable, or in what direction men will seek at last to escape from their misfortunes?
For a doll, all that is insufferable about capturing carefree smiles in front of farmers' -market stands, on mountain hikes, and standing under waterfalls becomes endurable, enjoyable, even.
These books help us develop new music, inspire us and make our days much more productive and endurable.
I've been told that there's no extraordinary spark there, just a storehouse of shared memories, an accretion of endurable disappointments, a daughter, a granddaughter and a friendship.
The pain might have been endurable if it had worked.
It can make tedious things fun (or at least endurable).
The plane-makers also claim that new technology will make the experience of long flights more endurable for passengers.
It is a fiction imposed on events so deplorable that they require a justification that is both nationally and emotionally endurable.

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