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Übersetzungen für enforceable im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

To be effective, policies and other security controls must be enforceable and upheld.
Some peremptory norms define criminal offences considered to be enforceable against not only states but also individuals.
The aim was to create more consistent, secure and stable investment conditions and to regulate investment in a more uniform, transparent and enforceable manner.
Under these agreements, orders established in one country are considered valid and enforceable in another country, and may be pursued through local court processes.
A promise will be enforceable at common law only if it is supported by consideration or made under seal.
Although human rights legislation is generally only enforceable against public bodies, it provides a framework of reasonability.
The court then held the license valid and enforceable as a contract.
A decision of second instance court is final and enforceable.
In most jurisdictions, the sale of real property is enforceable by specific performance.
If however, the car salesman accepts one penny in consideration for the promise, the promise is binding and enforceable in court.

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