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Übersetzungen für enthrone im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

enthrone [ɪnˈθrəʊn, Am enˈθroʊn] VERB trans form

1. enthrone (install on throne):

enthrone bishop

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Otherwise, the recent efforts by way of retreats to enthrone party discipline will amount to a colossal waste of time and resources.
The state government had never rested in its efforts to enthrone peace in the area.
The political will to enthrone rectitude is where the snare lies.
For him, the newspaper is the platform for revolutions, to dislodge hypocrisy and enthrone the truth, and to mobilize positive energies for societal renewal.
That would have been an act to enthrone political order -- and not political disorder.
The watchdog organization said that it will partner with the commission to enthrone transparency and accountability in the operations of the agency.
By this development, we have lived up to our pledge to enthrone the culture of credible internal democracy.
He said the harmonization would go a long way to curb multiple taxation and enthrone transparency and accountability in the system.
All the aforementioned policy options should be underpinned by a sincere constitutional amendment that will enthrone true federalism and resource control.
He explained that seniority could easily enthrone mediocrity which breeds corruption and ineptitude.

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