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Übersetzungen für exaggerate im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für exaggerate

let's not exaggerate!

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The characters themselves do not have much depth, and their flaws are exaggerated for comic effect.
Although these figures were exaggerated by a factor of between 2 to 2.2, the actual losses were substantial.
Pooled reviews from novices of the franchise stated that the coaches were found to be a bit exaggerated on television.
He thinks that it is substantially correct and based on a true story, although the special effects are exaggerated.
The changes of expression on those puppets had to be perfect and in no way exaggerated like the old ones were.
It is probable that these stories are exaggerated, for he still produced an enormous quantity of good work.
The role of the latter in the city fights in 1944 was exaggerated and overrated.
Approximately 25 percent also have abnormally exaggerated reflex responses (hyperreflexia), particularly in the legs.
However, even accounting for this recounting, the numbers still are too high to be realistic, and are probably just exaggerated.
The tips should be slightly waxed and it should never be oversized or exaggerated.

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