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Übersetzungen für exuberance im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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exuberance [ɪgˈzju:bərəns, Am -ˈzu:-] SUBST no Pl

Beispielsätze für exuberance

with real exuberance

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Jones extended the institutions resources liberally in accordance with the post-war national exuberance, generating large dividends for its stockholders.
Then he mixes it all together with the carefree exuberance of a kid with his first chemistry set.
But the mild-mannered music hardly matches the exuberance of lines like that.
Excessive ornamentation and exuberance of volumes denominates this house as what is known locally as wedding cake architecture.
It both celebrates and satisfies linguistic exuberance, explores the often painful transition from youth to maturity, and reminds us of our common mortality.
They had to do with representation and meaning but also had an exuberance.
Joe himself was soon evicted as a result of the perceived arrogance and exuberance of his fans who turned viewers against him.
This experience only added more exuberance to his expressionist dance.
Her painting evolved from figuration to an apparent abstraction which was, in truth, a dance of colours, an expression of natural exuberance.
Like many of the cast, she had no formal acting training, though she turned this to her advantage with exuberance and energy.

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