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Übersetzungen für fabled im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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fabled [ˈfeɪbld] ADJ

fable [ˈfeɪbl] SUBST

1. fable (story):

2. fable (lie):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The remaining three were left to rebuild and repopulate the municipality, saving the community, fabled for having taller women than men from extinction.
In it was found a special cross that has great importance to history, but a fabled curse as well.
The exact location of the fabled territory is still a mystery.
Readers will find the characters credible and well suited for their roles in this fabled adventure.
Her eyes are fabled to bring life to the unborn.
They do this or that, they walk where they wish, they stroll through fabled palaces unchallenged.
In the old days, doctors would carry medicine inside it, so it has fabled properties for healing.
It wasn't long before ideas as well as merchandise began passing through the fabled city.

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