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Übersetzungen für fanatical im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This group of humans live a dangerous life in hiding from purges and the fanatical followers.
The character was named for the fanatical fans of the team.
He led an ascetic existence, and his activities had a fanatical character.
She praised backgrounds and designs, noting that they show a level of commitment that borders on fanatical.
A fanatical organization tries to prevent the robots from becoming too human, fearing that they will take over.
A brilliant provincial player, he missed out on more representative honours through his fanatical devotion to provincial rugby folklore.
The series is constantly being repeated and has a fanatical fan base.
They are conditioned for fanatical loyalty, as well as occasionally being trained to serve as political advisors to those they protect.
As she confessed, the movement attracted her due to its fanatical courage and determination, especially against the bewilderement background of the alfonsine monarchism.
The second part of the issue features the two battling fanatical, naive worshippers of a lost alien being.

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