Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für faucet im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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faucet [ˈfɔ:sɪt, Am ˈfɑ:-] SUBST Am

mixer faucet SUBST, mixer tap SUBST Am

Beispielsätze für faucet

to turn a faucet on/off

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each classroom on the 300 wing has laboratory stations (water faucet and gas spout).
The tube is injected into the bear and the bile is pumped out like a faucet.
If instead of air, natural gas had been forced into a potable water tank, it in turn could be carried to your kitchen faucet.
The main building had been equipped with modern devices to faucets with sensors, the supply still fell short of international standards.
A water thief is a rubber fitting that attaches to an unthreaded faucet on one end and a common garden hose on the other.
They are often used in conjunction with automatic faucets in public restrooms.
The flow into the bathtub is water flowing through the faucet while the outflow is water flowing down the drain.
Based on this feedback they perform a control action by adjusting the hot and cold faucets until the temperature stabilizes as desired.
The model of non-conserved spread can best be represented by a continuously running faucet running through a series of funnels connected by tubes.
When a segment of water begins to separate from the faucet, a neck is formed and then stretched.

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