Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für featherbed im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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featherbed [ˈfeðəbed, Am ˈ-ɚ-] VERB trans


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In nations where trade union activities are legally defined, legal definitions of featherbedding exist.
This training and labor-management practice is traditionally prohibited by union work rules that promote featherbedding.
Very quickly the featherbed frame, a design that allowed the construction of a motorcycle with good mass-stiffness distribution, became a benchmark by which all other frames were judged.
Common problems are poor labour productivity, either because of restrictive work practices and featherbedding, or because of under-capitalisation.
There were repeated accusations of waste and featherbedding among the "super-quangos" in charge.
She closed the shutter over the window, tied the horse to the wall, and put a featherbed under the horse's hooves to muffle the sounds of movement.
As the politico-socio-economic strength of each party changes over time, collective bargaining outcomes will as well, enlarging or reducing the number and impact of featherbedding rules on the employer.
If employers were relatively strong vis-a-vis unions, unions would be unable to impose featherbedding on them.
Harmony just want to mention that sehwag scored that 300's and 290 on that featherbed.
Since the mid-19th century, featherbedding has been most commonly used in the labor relations field.

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