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Übersetzungen für fix up im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They hope to earn a cash purse and fix up the exterior of their gallery and install air conditioning.
Leo is introduced into season one as the sisters' handyman who is hired to fix up their house, but they later discover that he is their whitelighter.
But another option would be to buy them out and fix up the bank to let it last for another 100 years.
What we have still to learn in this country is that you can not fix up a film in the editing room.
They help people buy their first homes or fix up their existing homes.
Small cleanup efforts, some use of block grant funding for paint and fix up programs gain support.
They help build and fix up affordable apartments, single family homes, shelters, and transitional and supportive housing.
Meanwhile, the village is shut down for three days and the villagers fix up bamboo arches over the village path.
She has to make enough money to fix up the diner.
He tried hard and finally moved the load back to the classroom where he was supposed to fix up a broken window.

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