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Übersetzungen für footprints im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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footprint [ˈfʊtprɪnt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It occupies a footprint of about 661 m2 and has an internal volume of about 4890 m3.
The original footprint of this school in this new location originally only had four rooms: 12, 34, 56, and 78.
Six of these were made and were successful in small parks due to its small footprint.
The footprint is 5628 sqft, not including the porches and porte cochere.
The company intends to add lacrosse, softball, surfing, skateboarding and volleyball content in the near future, as well as expand its international footprint.
The building is a solid rectangle with a footprint of 260ft m by convert90.
The building is a steel and masonry structure with a footprint measuring 107ft m by convert128.
It also is later revealed that scent trails are equally scrambled, although footprints are not.
In footprint mapping a level, rectangular reference frame is placed around the base of the tree to create a horizontal plane.
They notice three sets of footprints, but there are two bodies and only one set of drag marks.

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