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Übersetzungen für forceps delivery im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I have a booklet with information about forceps delivery and how it's of minimal risk to the baby.
Some babies are still sleepy from the effects of pain relief used during labour, or they may have a headache from a forceps delivery and may not want to feed.
The registrar began the forceps delivery.
But at no time was she told of the potential harms of forceps delivery.
Meanwhile, 40.83% of births in 2014 involved the administering of an epidural, while the rate of instrumental delivery, including forceps delivery and vacuum extraction, was 15.48%.
The diastasis could be the result of a rapid birth or a forceps delivery or maybe even be prenatal.
But the labour was horrific: 17 hours of fear and pain followed by a forceps delivery, causing huge blood loss.
Yet ask women who've undergone a forceps delivery their view and many will say they found the experience horrifyingly brutal.
We had some big ones with the botched forceps delivery and then the trauma ones.
He also believed that mechanical intervention (such as forceps delivery) could prevent the poor outcomes that sometimes resulted from childbirth in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

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