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Übersetzungen für foreground im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . foreground [ˈfɔ:graʊnd, Am ˈfɔ:r-] SUBST no Pl

1. foreground KUNST:

the foreground
in the foreground

2. foreground (prominent position):

to put oneself in the foreground

II . foreground [ˈfɔ:graʊnd, Am ˈfɔ:r-] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each 8 characters in the character set has a foreground and background color.
It will be the counter-text, the background and not the foreground, an alternative patterning, that will arise with a gendered reading.
In the foreground is a school of the future.
There is a good view all round, though this lacks foreground when seen from the summit because of the gently rounded nature of the fell.
It further foregrounded how such technologies could transform relations between professionals and clients.
In terms of composition, almost all of the objects are placed in the direct foreground.
The color used for the object(s) in the image is the foreground color while the rest of the image is the background color.
An opulent pink orchid with light-green stems and pods dominates the left foreground.
While standing on an orange launch pad, jumping will send you into the background, or foreground.
Many of the stories have different protagonists and, indeed, different sets of foreground characters.

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