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Übersetzungen für fourth gear im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

You can leave a 30mph zone in fourth gear yet pile on an additional 30mph with no fuss and in very little time.
And there's actually a slight catch moving between third and fourth gear.
Long chassis cars came with different transmission ratios whereby the 1:1 ratio matched fourth gear and there was no overdrive.
It felt like they were getting really hot, wheel-spinning in fourth gear.
I got into the backstraight, and we were are going fourth gear but wasn't going that fast.
From rest to the top of fourth gear takes just six seconds; that's a gear every 1.5 seconds.
The cars were capable of 140 mph runs along smooth straights at about 7000 rpm in fourth gear.
In many cases you'll be lucky to have gotten out of third or fourth gear by the time you arrive at work.
The transmission now had five forward ratios with a direct fourth gear and an overdrive fifth.
It utilized six buttons first through fourth gear, neutral and park.

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