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Übersetzungen für freeze up im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It doesn't seem to have a hard time with my eight-year-old daughter's voice, unlike some voice recognition applications that freeze up when kids talk.
Wings would also freeze up, sometimes causing a drone to drop expensively from the sky.
Ben again begins to freeze up at the questions from people calling in, but he finally gets over it and vigorously defends himself.
At other times, if we're surprised, or feel tense, or embarrassed, we just freeze up and become unable to show any emotion whatsoever.
There was a coding bug that apparently went unnoticed, which would cause the game to freeze up.
Some people freeze up entirely: luckily, for me it was not the numbness of paralysis but a sort of emotional shell.
At 1,500,000 cuft, this facility can blast freeze up to 320,000 lbs of meat and poultry a day.
The cabinet would freeze up after a bit of gameplay, but it was fixed, very soon after.
In winter many of the waterfalls freeze up, and in spring they gradually crumble apart loudly thundering the entire valley.
Compared with ditches, tunnels had the important advantage that the water flowing through them underground could not freeze up.

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