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Übersetzungen für fruition im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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fruition [fru:ˈɪʃn] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This plan did not, however, come into fruition.
Plans for a film spin-off were first discussed in 2009, but ultimately did not come to fruition.
Those plans never came to fruition as the team returned to its losing ways, going 2-8.
It simultaneously acts as a storage place for karmic latencies and as a fertile matrix of predispositions that bring karma to a state of fruition.
This never came into fruition, but a bricked-over stairway under the bridge of the railway provides evidence that these plans were taken into serious consideration.
A deluxe version was originally planned; however, it never came to fruition.
In 2008 plans were put forward to demolish the site and build a luxury hotel, apartments and retail complex, none of which came to fruition.
Although there was speculation this agreement would eventually be expanded into a prime time newscast at 9, these plans never came to fruition.
Early prospects of great opportunities for the development of new technologies have not yet come to fruition.
This plan did not come to fruition, however, due to opposition from the northern earls and some of the other bishops.

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