Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für gab im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . gab <-bb-> [gæb] VERB intr ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When the gab was disengaged and the crankshaft stopped, the manual lever was used to drive the engine valves in reverse, which also re-set the eccentric to the opposing position.
The gab boys of the title - so called because of their gabardine trousers - are the sharply dressed youths who hang about the village and are considered delinquent by their elders.
It was during this time that a gift for gab was finely honed that aided in future success.
The gab now stayed still vertically and the pins were moved up and down to engage them.
The creditor will orally agree to give the debtor extra time to make a paymentthis is the gab.
Mac had the gift of gab and great tenacity in the courtroom for justice but somehow always had trouble with the men in her life.
A better solution was to use a single double-sided gab.
For example, if a wrestler can perform well in the ring, but lacks the gift of gab, a manager will cut promos for him.
He's a con man and has the gift of the gab.
Lou has such a gift of gab that he can help out some people.

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