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Übersetzungen für genial im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He was one of the heartiest and most genial of men, it used to be said that his laugh shook the town.
It is, in fact, a rather obvious and narrowly confined piece of comical contrivance for the genial performer to command...
A week preceding, the weather had been clear, sunshiny, and genial, then followed several days of thick fog, during which the white bow appeared.
His genial demeanor, promotion of family values, casual phobia of germs, and dislike of swearing belie his evil nature.
Genial, appealing, with an easy-listening score, circa 1955.
He was described as being distinguished by an amiable and refined, but genial courtesy.
A man with a genial demeanor, he is one of the most popular figures in international golf.
His personal courage was unsurpassed and his genial nature drew one to him.
Its looseness of citation and broadness of statement are but a part of that genial companionableness and largeness which are its charm.
He is a handsome man with a courteous, genial disposition and a sense of humor combined with an inner toughness.

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