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Übersetzungen für godmother im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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godmother [ˈgɒdˌmʌðə(r), Am ˈgɑ:dˌmʌðɚ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The second was usually the name of the godfather or godmother, while the third and last given name was the name used in everyday situations.
The usual is multiple pairs of godparents, typically twelve, composed of six godmothers ("ninang"), and six godfathers ("ninong").
Young girls accustom to walk bareheaded, but after the wedding ritual bride's binders, bride undressing the godmother puts her a beautiful "basma" or "maram".
At this ceremony the ship was sponsored by seven godmothers, each representing one of the seven neighbourhoods on board.
It catches the godmother's eye that although the house is newly built, an old, black post is built in.
The neophytes adopted the names of their godfathers and godmothers, and ultimately joined their ranks.
A fifth also, with his approval, sinfully married his godmother, who should have been to him as a sister or an aunt.

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