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Übersetzungen für greengrocer im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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greengrocer [ˈgri:nˌgrəʊsəɐ, Am -ˌgroʊsɚ] SUBST Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It has two butchers, a family run fishmongers and two traditional greengrocers.
I spent the first five years of my life living in a flat above a greengrocer's shop.
However now there is no railway station and the post office consolidates the uses of a post office, greengrocer's, haberdashery, baker's, butcher's, etc. all under one roof.
The sole manuscript source narrowly escaped being used by a greengrocer to wrap vegetables for sale in the 19th century.
Retailers included a local shop, a greengrocer, a baker, an interiors shop, a hairdresser's and a hardware shop.
The high street comprises many local shops such as greengrocers and florists.
I habitually use seed potatoes in preference to leftovers from the greengrocer's, always following the mantra that using secondhand encourages disease.
Even if you take out a bank loan and clear the greengrocer's shelves to produce an asparagus feast, you will be tasting the vegetable at third best.
Between 1991 and 2002 the company was run in conjunction with a longer established greengrocers.
She works at a greengrocer and is not endowed.

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