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Übersetzungen für griddle im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . griddle [ˈgrɪdl] SUBST gastr

II . griddle [ˈgrɪdl] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für griddle

to griddle food

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This area of the griddle is open to casual contact by an operator, and can often lead to burns on unprotected skin.
The bammy can be baked on griddles or in baking pans on a stove top.
Traditionally, grilled burritos are cooked on a comal (griddle).
In general, if no mention is made of thermostat mounting or proximity to the griddle surface, the thermostat is bottom mounted.
The griddle or pan may be prepared with oil (or butter), and the food is cooked quickly over a high heat.
The ingredients are thrown on a hot cast-iron griddle lubricated with oil.
In 1980, the griddle cars were taken out of use, reducing units 611-618 to 3-car units.
Care needs to be taken to keep the griddle and the area around it free of grease buildup.
Traditional iron griddles are circular, with a semicircular hoop fixed to opposite edges of the plate and rising above it to form a central handle.
It is usually eaten with relish with steamed rice, but could also be eaten with "chapati" (griddle breads).

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