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Übersetzungen für grotesque im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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grotesque [grəʊˈtesk, Am groʊ-] SUBST a. KUNST, LIT


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each level features a boss at the end, often a grotesque monster.
It is a very large creature with a grotesque head bearing multiple eyes and a wide sharp-toothed mouth, attached to a long snake-like body.
On each side of the east window is a large grotesque corbel painted white.
The book's depictions of fanged monsters concerned some parents when it was first published, as his characters were somewhat grotesque in appearance.
Written in 1913 and first rapresented in 1916, it is historically significant for starting the contemporary grotesque theatre.
According to vankmajer, the film will combine dark comedy, grotesque, classic horror genre, and both animation and feature acting.
Some, however, also had a humorous and grotesque edge, whereas still others were social commentaries.
These frescos display typical themes of the time, such as romantic landscapes, grotesques and rustic scenes.
The joke is presented in riddle form, beginning with a what question and concluded with a grotesque punch line answer.
The grotesque boy approaches the cage and holds out a ring (on which is mounted a human tooth) as if proposing marriage.

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