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Übersetzungen für gruff im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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gruff [grʌf] ADJ

Beispielsätze für gruff

a gruff voice

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The drumming is slower, the background vocals less prominent, the singing less gruff and less like screaming.
The more punk-influenced style often features faster tempos, guitar distortion, onbeat punk-style interludes (usually the chorus), and nasal, gruff, or shouted vocals.
The mixtape combines a gruff and imposing voice, along with a solid delivery and flow.
Despite being a mercenary, he generally acts as an honorable if gruff opponent.
Seo has a gruff, wild look, but he is a very good man to rely on.
Originally he had a deep, gruff voice, but later made his voice a bit higher for the role.
Although a bit gruff, he shows none of the malevolence thought to be intrinsic to demons, and has a strong sense of humor.
He has a gruff voice, which reflects his courage and toughness.
His personality is described as being gruff, loyal and military though somewhat over-zealous.
This leaves his gruff delivery to carry the story without the support of the energetic sound machine that makes him such a popular live act.

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