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Übersetzungen für hallowed im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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hallowed [ˈhæləʊd] ADJ

hallow [ˈhæləʊ, Am -oʊ] VERB trans

2. hallow (venerate):

Beispielsätze für hallowed

to be hallowed

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A town which is the site of a university or an episcopal see is more likely to have a standard form hallowed by usage.
Hallowed be thy left hand, bring us your magic.
His eye must be sunlike, as befits his origin; even when it is angry and distempered it is still hallowed by beautiful illusion...
The net posts still protrude from the once hallowed ground as a final sign of this property's finer days.
He built it up to be a hallowed sanctuary, enriched it with lands and possessions, and increased its prestige by adding prebends and canonries.
Once there they removed their shoes and socks to honor the hallowed ground and participated in a ceremony of remembrance.
Jim, as he approaches what he considers hallowed ground, is in heaven.
I thought the place would have attitude but the whole experience was really gorgeous and you know, you know you are on hallowed ground.
In 1835 the log house was replaced by a wooden church with a steeple, a bell and a pulpit from hallowed-out sycamore log.
Fishermen and sailors from many ports found a spiritual haven within its hallowed walls.

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