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Übersetzungen für hang around im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für hang around

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But visitors can still get an eyeful of green, rolling terrain even if they just hang around the day lodge across from the parking lot.
That annoying tickling sensation in our throats and chesty cough we experience during the winter flu season can hang around for days, if not weeks.
The bar and BBQ is set up at every home game, and many of the players and supporters hang around after to enjoy the summer evening and cheap drink deals.
He said that he would rather retire while he was still popular with fans than to hang around until they start to boo.
You're not going to go on the cross trainer or hang around the leg extension for an hour, you're going to give yourself such a hormonal boost.
I'm supposed to head off all the juvenile dope dealers up here who hang around rock stars.
The male's gorget is glittering pinkish violet and has elongated, pointed sides that hang around the throat.
It is the place to hang around for all the festive excitement and adrenaline gushing events.

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