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Übersetzungen für heretical im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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heretical [hɪˈretɪkl, Am həˈret̬-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He stated that the 2nd-century church was very diverse and included many heretical groups that had an equal claim to apostolic tradition.
The notion was considered heretical and blasphemous by scholars and clergy alike.
Some (though not all) of his writings were condemned as heretical and burned.
His outspoken and, to some, heretical views on many theological and social issues made him one of the most controversial public figures of his time.
Should he refuse to do so, his beard will be cut off as a penalty for his heretical transgressions.
Several of his books were condemned as heretical, and he spent some time in exile.
These criticisms went as far as calling the faculty heretical.
It used to refer both to the originator of heretical doctrine, and to the founder of a sect that sustains such a doctrine.
This led them to the conclusion, considered heretical at the time, that all cells continually synthesized proteins.
Guo signed a statement agreeing that he was guilty of the charge of using a heretical organization to subvert the law.

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