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Übersetzungen für hotel accommodation im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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hotel accommodation SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These services can be transportation, hotel accommodation, restaurants, activities, excursions, conference venues, themed events, gala dinners and logistics, meetings, incentive schemes as well as helping with overcoming language barriers.
Currently, there are only two families in hotel accommodation and only one of those has been there for more than four weeks.
All flight and hotel accommodation costs were paid for by the radio station.
Vacations have been planned, off-days have been requested from the company, and money paid for hotel accommodation or tours can not always be refunded.
Guests are made up of individual clients as well as companies who usually book their hotel accommodation via specialist travel agencies or directly with the local tourist office.
From there, we rode about 50 km before considering hotel accommodation.
The village serves as a service centre for tourism, with hotel accommodation and sizeable numbers of holiday homes in the area.
The area is a tourist destination, the town having two caravan parks as well as motel and hotel accommodation.
The site is now 60 acres in size, and has been at the forefront of a move towards hotel accommodation by the company.
Over the past decade it has recorded a substantial increase in its hotel accommodation capacity.

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