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Übersetzungen für ice floe im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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ice floe [ˈaɪsfləʊ, Am -floʊ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I wanted to suggest the altered state induced by cold and starvation in these people trying to survive on the ice floe.
Otherwise, the camp organizers would have had to build a new runway on the nearest suitable ice floe.
Sources differ on whether two men died on the ice floe and three in the boats, or three on the ice floe and two in the boats.
A plump penguin got stuck in a narrow fissure on the ice floe like a fat football fan wedged in a turnstile.
In another, the penguin's head is seen in the foreground as it bobs at the surface, a gleaming ice floe looming up ahead.
Some of them could not climb the ice floe and attempted to swim back to shore.
These bears are physically capable of taking marathon-like swims from shore to reach an ice floe that may yield food.
Like a dog, regardless, sailing on an ice floe down the river in spring?
The ice floe they were on was about three or four football fields in size.
And we were in the ice floe with the swell, and at that point the iceberg had moved on.

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