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Übersetzungen für impatience im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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impatience [ɪmˈpeɪʃns] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their impatience with seemingly indefensible ideas can make them particularly devastating at debate.
For instance, in meditation restlessness is often the impatience to move quickly on to the next stage.
The accident was caused by the narrowness of the road and the impatience of motorists.
Very frequently these were characterized by impatience, sarcasm, and frequent quips.
She would later credit her impatience with mandarin philosophers as the repudiation of my own aristocratic upbringing.
This is a peremptory tag question that criticizes what the answerer perceives as the asker's impatience.
His impatience for rapid political advancement may account for his involvement in the conspiracy.
Extending non-aesthetic experience may lead to frustration and impatience, whereas drawing out aesthetic experience may increase a feeling of pleasure.
Angry temper results from the belief that one has been wronged which in turn creates feelings of indignation and impatience.
On all subjects he spoke his mind, often, through whim or impatience, more than his mind, freely, without regard to consequences.

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