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Übersetzungen für implausible im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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implausible [ɪmˈplɔ:zɪbl, Am -ˈplɑ:-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Narrative is chockful of implausible sequences and the plot... often gets itself into blind alleys.
The dates on the charter are implausible and the document is believed not to be contemporary.
Because even implausible and ineffective methods have a success rate of 50%, many continued to be recommended by word of mouth.
The burglar conjecture was largely ignored as implausible by this time.
It is probable that the natatory lamellae are what makes such implausible leaps possible.
Initially his death was officially described as an unfortunate accident, but this claim was widely considered implausible.
This effect has been replicated and can even be done with implausible targets, such as the thought of a green rabbit.
Many philosophers consider the elimination of qualia implausible, if not incomprehensible.
Although this approach may be effective, its application can result in implausible situations.
The ideal of the self-made individual, who through hard work and talent could make his or her place in the world, seemed increasingly implausible.

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