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Übersetzungen für impossibility im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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impossibility [ɪmˌpɒsəˈbɪlətɪ, Am -ˌpɑ:səˈbɪlət̬ɪ] SUBST no Pl

Beispielsätze für impossibility

it's a virtual impossibility

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In short, a witness only speaks starting from the impossibility to speak.
To try to continue on without replacements cut from that same cloth would be an impossibility.
Despite the ostensible impossibility of such a technique, there were investors that saw potential.
The latter position presupposes the impossibility of divine revelation.
To attend court without the proper clothes is a social impossibility, and because of this, the noble is forced to leave.
He showed the impossibility of reconciling midgut development with a normal gastriculation process.
Inflation can only be estimated because of the impossibility of following the cost of individual goods.
This character of impossibility and resistance to symbolization lends the real its traumatic quality.
Realizing the impossibility of her romantic fantasy, she phones the police, but then returns to tell him she did so and plead with him.
It seemed to require choosing between obvious impossibilities: either some kind of control of shore-line building processes over thousands of miles apart, or wandering continents.

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