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Übersetzungen für incorrigible im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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incorrigible [ɪŋˈkɒrɪdʒəbl, Am ɪnˈkɔ:rə-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Incorrigible, but you had to love him.
The warlords are corrupt war criminals who should be tried, and incorrigible drug dealers who brought the country to its knees, she said.
What more when the utterances are plain offensive, and the utterer incorrigible, unapologetic?
More than that, he was a fearless campaigner for justice, a relentless organizer, an incorrigible romantic, and a great humanist and teacher.
Violet enters, now more coherent and off her drugs but no less incorrigible, is resigned to dealing with her demise on her own terms.
He was an incorrigible opponent of the growing mass-production trends in contemporary university teaching with their emphasis on multiple-choice examination and impersonal teaching methods.
However, he is an incorrigible liar, an indefatigable flirt, and completely self-centered.
Incorrigible (lit. "uncorrectable") beliefs are those one can believe without possibly being proven wrong.
A slave who was sold three times as incorrigible could be sold to be sacrificed; those slaves commanded a premium in price.
A father could sell his son into slavery if the son was declared incorrigible by an authority.

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