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Übersetzungen für insane im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für insane

to be/go insane

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The serum turns him superhumanly strong, but also insane.
It's insane one of their most psychedelic songs.
They realize that the house targets their fears and feeds off of them until it drives them insane.
The riffs are actually memorable, with insane blastbeat drums and an uncanny sense of timing guiding the songs as they charge through one by one.
The imaginary escape through the landscape surrounding the insane asylum takes place in a world put together from cardboard pieces and jumping jacks decorated with magazine cuttings, stickers, and drawings.
This character, however, is neither a hunchback nor a lab assistant, but an insane blacksmith with a broken neck and twisted back.
He is prophetic, but a bit insane from his visions.
At another, it's a coolly controlled examination of increasingly insane criminal ineptitude.
In 1923, he had her committed to a hospital for the insane, where she stayed for two years.
Shortly after finishing his project he went insane and was committed to a mental institution.

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