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Übersetzungen für juggler im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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juggler [ˈdʒʌgləɐ, Am -lɚ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Not only are they understood by jugglers, there are also many computer programs capable of animating juggling patterns entered in siteswap notation.
A local performer would then be introduced, usually a novelty act like a juggler, or hula hooper.
Additionally, more formal workshops are often organized, in which expert jugglers work with small groups on specific skills and techniques.
At age seven he appeared in minstrel shows, at nine he was a boy juggler.
Because of this, the juggling of large lumps of metal should only be attempted by competent club jugglers who understand the risks.
This is therefore the first pattern that most jugglers learn.
He began performing at the age of sixteen, first as a juggler before becoming a magician and escapologist.
He works as a clown and juggler for festivals, corporate and private parties and events.
A team of two jugglers who work hard together can sometimes juggle more than twice as many clubs between them as each can juggle alone.
Because of their slow falling speed due to high air resistance, scarves are often used as a first prop for beginning jugglers.

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