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Übersetzungen für juxtapose im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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juxtapose [ˌdʒʌkstəˈpəʊz, Am ˈdʒʌkstəpoʊz] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A fortified village is also seen here where the architecture and pottery culture is juxtaposed over the local culture.
The documentary aims to show mass media bias as it juxtaposes original protest footage with those images shown on the nightly news.
A remarkable juxtapose if there was ever one!
Juxtaposing familiar objects in a personal, always new and surprising way, his works seem to resist rather than to invite analysis.
There are large spaces in between the instrumental entrances to further create the feeling of non-metrical accompaniment juxtaposed with a metrical text.
It is juxtaposed with "fikr" (thinking) which leads to knowledge.
She produced different tensions with each canvas by the placement of subject figures in positions juxtaposed to their rocky surroundings.
It is also one of many paintings to play with the concept of scale by juxtaposing objects normally of different sizes.
Noted are aspects of clichd love juxtaposed with the reality of love between two very different people.
The compact nature of the village creates streetscapes that juxtapose the buildings from each era.

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