Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für kerb im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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kerb [kɜ:b, Am kɜ:rb] SUBST Aus, Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As no kerb was used the intended width is not known and spreading of material may have increased the eventual width.
The vehicle kerb weight is 8 000 kg and the payload in terrain is just 3 000 kg.
This sometimes developed into full kerb sets that marked the whole perimeter of the grave.
The car kerb weight is and it has top speed of and it can accelerate from zero to in 3.9 seconds.
No evidence of a kerb, chambers or other stonework was found.
Side inlets are located adjacent to the curb (kerb) and rely on the ability of the opening under the backstone or lintel to capture flow.
After the official trades of sessions one and two, there are 85 and 45 minutes of kerb trading respectively.
A low floor in the vehicular sense is normally combined in a conceptual meaning with normal pedestrian access from a standard kerb height.
The car has a kerb weight of 5445lb kg.
In some countries street sweeper vehicles also have kerbside controls to enable the drivers to have a better view of the kerb they are cleaning.

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