Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für know-how im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

know-how [ˈnəʊhaʊ, Am ˈnoʊ-] SUBST no Pl, no indef art

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Generally, any individual can sign up for a know-how trading portal for free and browse the selection of questions and challenges by reward and subject.
He also provided Iran with information and know-how to produce mustard gas.
He is determined to not only mechanise agriculture, but also take his skills and know-how to the global arena.
These semi-finalists were put to the test of expressing themselves and their fashion know-how.
In addition, with its know-how as a service company in the background, it started a duty-free shop business, and has built its image as the best global distribution company.
Liberty will provide intellectual property and operating know-how regarding crude oil synthesis along with the relevant catalyst supply.
Knowledge and know-how gained in one area of the company were often not very useful in another area.
When the rights of trade mark are licensed along with a know-how, supplies, pooled advertising, etc., the result is often a franchise relationship.
They aim at widening both their network and their know-how, in order to gain international weight and visibility.
At the university he acquired the initial skills and technical know-how to host a radio show.

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