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Übersetzungen für lachrymose im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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lachrymose [ˈlækrɪməʊs, Am -moʊs] ADJ liter

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Perhaps the players felt when they broke from their huddle at the end of the semi-final that this lachrymose storyline would stand up for a minute longer.
That band's lachrymose bleating is stultifying enough without the fear it was somehow mutating into new strains.
My own lachrymose moment came later in the day.
This voice has a very smooth, sensitive and at times lachrymose quality.
He described the film, however, as a sad and limp romance, which is trite, slightly lachrymose and largely unedifying.
As for women, his habit of alternating violent rows with lachrymose apology afforded unending fodder for the tabloids.
Of course, given its subject matter, a film such as this was always likely to teeter between feel-good drama and lachrymose sentimentality.
Their equestrian ballet in a hushed, imperial setting -- combined with a fading hangover -- is making me feel quite lachrymose.
The crying soon gets out of hand, though -- in subsequent letters, his father, his aunt, his sister and his sister's boyfriend all become lachrymose.
Should the narrative pitch be grave, momentous, huskily lachrymose, perhaps, or even grandly epic?

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