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Übersetzungen für lacquered im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . lacquer [ˈlækəɐ, Am -ɚ] SUBST

lacquer for wood, hair, nails:

лак m

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This paper is coated in either gold, silver or lacquer.
Red and black pigmented lacquer were most used.
Most of the surviving specimens from this period are made entirely of iron, inlaid with designs of silver or other materials, and covered with lacquer.
The colour of the lacquer used can range from extreme black to brown to purple to red (in the rarest cases).
In these cases, coating the surfaces with a thin opaque lacquer just for measuring purposes is a common practice.
To prevent further unwanted oxidization, polished metal surfaces may be coated with wax, oil, or lacquer.
The inner platform is decorated with black lacquer and glass mosaic.
The saya of a koshirae are normally manufactured from very lightweight wood, with a coat of lacquer on the exterior.
The top line included precious metals and maki-e lacquer techniques and came with a rhodium-masked 18k gold nib, and wide cap band.
It is painted vermilion, and decorated with gold and lacquered interiors.

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