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Übersetzungen für landlubber im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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landlubber SUBST ugs

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Tricky for a landlubber, but we managed to avoid falling into the briny.
Onshore there's a dedicated staff member for boat access to shore and for landlubbers, the resort includes six new seafront villas.
But we're no swashbucklers, just a couple of landlubber blokes on a mission.
There's plenty for the landlubber types like me, though.
And they say we're a more flexible society than landlubbers.
There was no time to miss their landlubber life as the 8s were thrown into the running of the ship.
And, with prices starting at just under $800 a day, it would seriously dock the savings of the average landlubber.
The behemoth spent some time basking in the sun, then snorted derisively at the assembled landlubbers and swam off into the distance... and into history.
This isn't the first time a landlubber has felt the salty sting of misadventure aboard a luxury vessel.
If you're a landlubber who's lured by the sirens' call, here are five places to be mesmerized by mermaids.

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