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Übersetzungen für leech im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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leech <-es> [li:tʃ] SUBST a. übtr


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

On the mainsail tell-tales are on the leech (aft edge) and when trimmed properly should be streaming backwards.
Groups that may be descended from the polychaetes include the oligochaetes (earthworms and leeches), sipunculans, and echiurans.
The pool then turns silver as the leeches bury themselves under the silver sand.
At the end is a small trench full of water and containing leeches so that the victim doesn't stay in the water long.
He introduced a more modern use for medicinal leech, stating that leech could be used for cleaning the tissues after surgical operations.
In 1991, scientists became aware that self-avoidance was also present in non-neuronal cell types, such as leech comb cells, which might similarly form discrete domains.
Freshwater jawless leeches are remarkable for their parental care, the most highly developed one among the known annelids.
The majority of leeches live in freshwater environments, while some species can be found in terrestrial and marine environments, as well.
His father asks if anyone can cure him, but he says that every leech has tried.
Over the next three days, there were more bleedings and a total of 40 more leeches.

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